Is It Allergies Or COVID-19?
It’s allergy season again, and a familiar onslaught of symptoms has begun for so many of us. Unfortunately, allergies have some of the same symptoms as COVID-19, including cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and congestion. So how do you tell the difference?
First, allergies often cause itchy eyes, nose and throat. Itchiness is not typically associated with COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms like fever, chills, body aches, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are more common with a COVID-19 infection. Of course, these are just general guidelines. If you are unsure about your symptoms or believe you may have COVID-19, you should get tested and follow CDC guidelines so you do not spread the disease. For more information on COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, visit To learn more about allergy testing and allergy drops, contact our Monroe or Charlotte office at 704-752-7575. |
Diagram Source: Centers for Disease Control